No Carbs - Lots of Protein - Week 1

Hey guys! I am glad you’re here. Today I am two weeks in my no carbs - lots of protein journey. I was very diligent about it (and got great results) about 6 years ago. I remember how healthy and fit I was and I want to feel like this again. I will record my recipes and food ideas in this blog and hope it inspires you. I did not take away all the carbs from my family, just from me. For them I still prepare pasta or rice as a side, but I always make sure the dish makes sense without the pasta. You could say I make one dish and I have two versions of it. One with carbs and one without.

Also the amount of veggies in our dishes increased a lot! Obviously this is beneficial in many ways.

Honey Mustard Salmon Bites with Oven Roasted Broccoli, Eggplant and Leak

I love making oven roasted stuff. The main reason is that I can leave the kitchen, take care of other stuff or play with the kids. It just gives me a little more time.

Recently I started to take the skin off the salmon before I put it in the oven. I make a little marinade with yellow mustard, soy sauce, honey and some lemon pepper and space them out on a cookie sheet. The broccoli got some soy sauce, paprika powder and pepper before going in the oven and the eggplant was cubed really small and mixed up with leak (I used the same spices as I did for the broccoli).

Kale-Salad with Shrimp, oven roasted Broccoli and Asparagus

This is one of my favorite dishes: Kale. But really only since I discovered how to prepare it. When I start dinner, the kale is the first thing I work on. I wash it, cut it as small as I can and put the dressing on (which should include vinegar) right away. Then I start working on all the other things. Other than lettuce, kale has a really strong texture but with the vinegar you can break it down a little.

Asparagus and broccoli are oven roasted. I just sprinkled some olive oil and some spices on it before. This time I didn’t do mainly paprika but used a mixture that I bought ready to use. This time I used an Hungarian Puszta spice, which worked really well with the veggies!

The shrimp I made in a pan and added some mixed beans and lentils. I always have beans or rice already cooked in the fridge and so I can add it quite quickly.

Kale-Salad, Bean Stew, Roasted Peppers and a lot of Egg

I really love to prepare dinner in a “disassembled” way. For one its really nice because the family takes part in making their own composition, but I also don’t have to worry about who wants what. Sometimes I put too much or not enough of something on the kids plates, which doesn’t really happen if I put it on the table like this.

The kale salad is the same like the other day, just some cucumber and tomatoes added. As we have our own chickens, we always have tons of eggs. So I decided that our protein for the night will be scrambled eggs. The peppers I rolled in olive oil and sprinkled some salt and fresh garlic on it. I left them in the oven till they started turning brown.

I had some hummus and sour cream for my kids and husband to dip their peppers in. I really enjoy this kind of dinner! Lots of activity and I can see who likes what most.

The most important tipp for you dinnertime: get some nice music, put your phone away and go on the hunt for interesting stories your family brought home. You will enjoy the food even more when you listen to your loved ones!

Have fun with the recipes!



Peanut Butter Dates with dark Chocolate and Sea Salt


Smoky Pineapple Chicken